Thread: Free Throws
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Old Fri Oct 01, 2010, 01:50pm
Raymond Raymond is offline
Courageous When Prudent
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Location: Hampton Roads, VA
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Originally Posted by Zoochy View Post
Situation from mens league. A1 gets fouled (non-shooting). His hand gets jamed due to the foul. Frustrated from the 'injury', he kicks the ball. We call a 'T' on A1. While I am reporting the fouls to table and determining if team is in the bonus, partner is having Team B shoot the 'T'. Well, Team A is in the bonus, thus A1 needs to shoot a 1 and 1. I know proceedure is to have A1 shoot the 1and1, then member from team B shoot the 'T', then mid court throw-in for Team B opposite the table.

If this was a NFHS game ...
Meaning you were using NCAA-M rules? In that case, what you wrote in RED is incorrect.

Originally Posted by Scrapper1 View Post
... But in the original situation, it's not the end of the quarter, so how do we resume play? Do we line up and allow rebounding after the 1-and-1, since the technical free throws have already been shot and we can't correct it? Or do we clear the lane and give Team B the ball at the division line because that's what "should have happened"?
Possession changed when B1 got the ball at his disposal for the technical free throw so you can't just line 'em for the 1-and-1 and go. Team B is entitled to a throw-in from the division line.

Tref For NCAA-M the correct procedure is to shoot the T then line up for the 1-and-1 so it would not have been a correctable error until Team A had the ball at its disposal for the subsequent throw-in.
A-hole formerly known as BNR
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