Thread: Free Throws
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Old Fri Oct 01, 2010, 11:38am
Zoochy Zoochy is offline
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Location: St. Louis, Missouri
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Free Throws

Situation from mens league. A1 gets fouled (non-shooting). His hand gets jamed due to the foul. Frustrated from the 'injury', he kicks the ball. We call a 'T' on A1. While I am reporting the fouls to table and determining if team is in the bonus, partner is having Team B shoot the 'T'. Well, Team A is in the bonus, thus A1 needs to shoot a 1 and 1. I know proceedure is to have A1 shoot the 1and1, then member from team B shoot the 'T', then mid court throw-in for Team B opposite the table.

If this was a NFHS game, would we disguard the Free Throws by Team B (made or missed), and follow the correct proceedure? Or allow the Free throws by Team B, have A1 shoot the free throws and have team B take the ball OOB?

Yes, I was disappointed that partner started shooting, without confering with me. No, I did not talk to him after the game about this situation. Not a battle for me to choose at this time.
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