Last night, my first game pitted a low to mid level varsity team against a very low JV team. JV team was very obviously in the learning stages of most aspects of the game.
Girl up to bat. Let's call her B3 just for the heck of it, though I really have no idea where we were in the inning when this occurred. Count was 0-2. (She had previously swung on two pitches in the dirt.) Next pitch comes straight across the middle of the plate about belt high, you know, one of those pitches just begging to be hit to the gap. She stares at it. I do my big sell called strike three. Bada bing bada boom.
Batter still stands there. I say, "batter, that's three."
No response.
Me: "Batter. Batter...." (she turns to look at me.) "That was strike three."
B3: "Yeah. I get one more, don't I?!"