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Old Sun Jan 19, 2003, 12:28pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Sep 2000
Location: USA
Posts: 14,565
Originally posted by scottk_61
I have been working on our local association's website and would like some feedback from you guys.
What do you think about it, and what could it use more of/less of etc.

Thanks for looking and replying
Not bad, pretty good start.

I was disappointed the "UMP Quiz" was not available.

I am interested in a few points of the uniform. Do you actually require white T-shirts to have the Assn. logo, or am I reading that wrong and it means it may have the logo.

I also prefer the 3-ring blue on knee-high white socks with shorts. But I was surprised you mentioned a watch.

I have no problem carrying a watch, but not wearing it on one's wrist unless wearing a jacket and can keep it under the sleeve. We insist players not wear jewelry on the field for safety reasons and I don't believe a "do as I say, not as I do" attitude is the best to display. I have seen collisions involving umpires where the watch could be dangerous. I've also seen an umpire's watch reflect a glare which bothered the pitcher. And I love the umpires who obnoxiously want to know how they know when to start or stop a game if they can't wear a watch. They have no problem keeping other tools of the game in their pocket like an indicator, brush, line-up card, pen/pencil or a flipping coin. I don't see why a watch would have to be treated different to perform the job for which it is required.

Just as an umpire stops the game to have a vehicle putting off a glare moved, I have asked coaches to remove a watch reflecting the sun. Same response as the not-so-smart umpire. And I reply the same to the coach as I would to the umpire. Just one more little thing we don't need on the field as an excuse.

The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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