Originally Posted by WilliamK
This did'nt happen in my game but another umpire told me it happened in his game. OBR rules
Batters 1 and 3 get reversed
1) B1 gets on base
2) B2 gets on base
3) B3 comes to plate no pitch thrown yet
then scorekeeper raises the question that B1 and B3 are switched
How would you get this cleaned up?
Since B2 made B1 legal,does the order stay as is?
I tried to find a scenario in the BOO section of the rule book but I can't really find anything to cover this BOO.
The nomenclature here is messy. Assuming you meant the following... Proper lineup is Abel, Baker, Charlie, Daffy, Ed...
Charlie bats (when Abel should have) and gets on base.
Baker bats and gets on base. Once a pitch was thrown to Baker, Charlie is legal... making the proper batter right now Daffy.
Abel comes to the plate - an appeal on BOO right now would have Daffy out for not batting, and Ed up to bat next.
Although the actual correct answer here was supplied by kyle. Unless this is appealed BY A COACH, play on. Scorekeepers are fans and bystanders. If Abel is pitched to, Baker becomes legal and assuming Charlie is still on base, Daffy is brought to the plate.