Thread: Forfeit of Game
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Old Mon Sep 27, 2010, 03:17am
cookie cookie is offline
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Forfeit of Game

Bear with me guys; I'm trying to make my way thru the 2010 NCAA Rule Book (though in bits and pieces). I appreciate all of your responses so far...

Another question regarding the UIC forfeiting a game, NCAA rules: I have always thought that if a player, coach, authorized team member gets ejected but refuses to leave the game, the UIC could have the game forfeited by that offending team. I don't quite understand what "...the game is suspended..." means in NCAA Rule 5-12-f.

NCAA 5-12-f:
"SECTION 12. A game shall be forfeited only as a last resort; however, a
game may be forfeited by the umpire-in-chief, after consultation with the
umpiring crew, in favor of the team not at fault in the following cases:

f. If the order for the removal of a player, coach or team personnel is not
obeyed, the game is suspended until the order of removal is corrected
(see 3-6-d)."

If I am reading this correctly, if a coach absolutely refuses to leave the field, the game is suspended (to a later date, NOT FORFEITED), even though the line in Section 12 says "the game may be fofeited by the the following cases:" And there are a-thru-h cases listed.

Am I reading too much into this case (f)? Can the game be forfeited by the UIC if a coach just does not want to leave the field?

Last edited by cookie; Mon Sep 27, 2010 at 03:21am.
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