Originally Posted by TussAgee11
Alot of this story falls outside the jurisdiction of the umpire, but I need to vent anyway.
This Sunday was working the championship game of a 14U travel tournament. In these tournaments the field umpire (for whatever reason) keeps the lineups and the score, and submits the card after the game to the TD after each coach has signed off on his pitching, score, etc.
In the top of the 7th the visitors score 3 runs to make the score 10-2. I mark 3 onto my card and await the next 3 outs. Home team ends up scoring 7 in the bottom on the 7th, visitors record final out, 10-9.
I begin to meet up with my partner and work our way to the gate when we realize home team is taking the field and away team is lining up to shake hands. I say 10-9, visitors say 10-9, home team says 9-9 (they had the team scoring only 2 in the top half of the 7th). I get both books together and find exactly where the home team book is wrong. They had a runner on 2nd with 2 outs, a base hit, and that runner staying on 2nd. I point this out to the home team manager and his response is, "no, he went to 3rd and stayed there." The visiting team manager notes how the ball was overthrown at the plate, his runner got the plate with his hand, and my partner remembers the exact play. The more me and pard' discuss the more obvious it becomes 10-9.
The home team manager then turns his whole argument into "the home book is official". We call over TD who gets on phone and we wait around for an hour to get a ruling. Both me and partner speak with the head hanchos, and each tell them not only are we certain its 10-9, but the home team coach seems to know deep down its 10-9 and is just being shady.
After an hour wait, the word is we have to go play extras, 9-9. TD explains to visiting coach, me and partner are just tight lipped as could be. Coach is relatively calm, understands its not the TD's fault, but says I'm not putting my boys back out on the field, they won the game and to put them back out there is taking that away from them.
The UIC of the state told me I need to verify the books between every half inning from now on, which seems like overkill and interjecting myself into the dugouts every half inning. Furthermore, it doesn't matter even if I do that, because if there is a discrepancy the precedent has now been set that its the home-team book anyway. So whats the point of me even keeping a card on the field? I obviously have no authority on the score, so why even bother with it. Let a 4 year old take a crayon and color all over the home book for all I care, its the Bible.
Any thoughts?