Originally Posted by RichMSN
I don't really see this as such a big deal. We all take a quick glance at the table. I can bring in subs from the C without taking my eyes off the court.
However, I have the current disadvantage of not having worked (with the exception of 2 camps) since March, so I'll have to think some more on this. I don't remember any confusion on sub situations, though, and I'm pretty sure we simply don't bring subs in when we have the ball. I'll have to talk to one of my regular partners about this tonight when we head to the Brewers game.
I doubt there is confusion since that is what you are used to, but if the trail is beside the table with the ball and the lead (two man) is all the way on the end line across from the table, the lead has no choice but to look past/through other players to bring the sub in. Why the trail, who is right there, can't use a normal voice and say, "Come in sub" is beyond me. The ball will not be put into play because the trail has it anyway.