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Old Fri Sep 17, 2010, 10:07am
Zoochy Zoochy is offline
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Location: St. Louis, Missouri
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Originally Posted by gsf23 View Post
Have any of you ever gone to the table to ask for help on something other than stuff like how many fouls does this one have? I have been running the clock at games for about 8 years now and I have had a crew come to our table asking for help probably once. That was for an end of half shot, and they came to the table asking if we thought they had gotten the shot off in time.
If I feel that if the personnel at the table a capable of assisting, then I will ask for help. Ex: Last year the assigned table crew did not show up for the JV/Varsity game. Thus 2 students worked the clock and scorebook. These 2 kids were more responsible then the regular crew. There was a time out with around 4 seconds remaining. The gym is noisy, the horn is away from the basket and it is soft. So during the TO I discuss the situation with the table officials about a last second shot. There happened to be a foul. While I reported the foul, I discussed if the whistle sounded before the time expired. Both agreed. Even the Head Coach of the fouling team agreed. If this happened with the regular crew, I wouldn't have been sure if they would have started the clock correctly.
So yes I have asked for assistance, but you have to know the people at the table.
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