Since we know that Davidson is a buffoon, isn't it barely possible that the only way that this fan was "interfering with the game" was the fact that Davidson got tired of hearing him? Davidson does not get to decide who can say what in the stands. Crowd managment is not his job.
Why is it ok for him to yell whatever foul and vile language he wants to yell in the earshot of fans? I have no idea if this fan yelled anything or not. If he did yell a supposed slur toward the homosexulas, then the stadium people probably should have dealt with it. If they did not, it is none of Davidson's business.
A lot more people are offended by the language that Davidson an many fans use than would be offended by the use of this supposed slur(if it is the f word that ends in a t, homosexuals use it all the time) Woul Davidson boot a fan for yelling Jesus Christ or God-D***? no way, no how...that stuff does not personally bother him, obviously.
I have been close enough to hear his vulgararity laced tirades at least four times over the years-he is a joke of an umpire and a disgusting person. For him to eject a guy for yelling f****t is like Ted Kennedy telling a guy not to slap his girlfriend.