Originally Posted by jwwashburn
So, you immediately side with Davidson-a guy who has been a buffoon for many years-over the Security Guards whose actual JOB it is to police the fans? They actually get paid to police the fans. They have training to police the fans. Bumbling Bob had no business, training or authority to stick his arrogant nose into the situation-if there even was a situation.
Could a Security Guard have overruled Jim Joyce on that play in the near perfect game? No, of course not.
When I heard "Umpire ejected a fan" I knew it was him before I saw the video. How many other folks here knew it was Davidson before we saw it for sure?
You must be kidding. Miller Park Security are paid to look the other way when stuff like this happens. During Cubs/Brewers series I wouldn't bring my daughter to the ballpark the fans are so vulgar, drunk, and obnoxious.
I'm another one on board with what Davidson did. If comments like that ever came out of bleachers at a game I was working, I would stop the game and have game management remove the clown. Why should paying stupid money for a ticket give anyone the right to shout out bigoted remarks in the earshot of anyone?