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Old Thu Sep 02, 2010, 08:43am
ref2coach ref2coach is offline
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Originally Posted by GoodwillRef View Post
I have always had a huge problem with letting a coaches rating carry a lot of weight with postseason assignments. Coaches rate us on wins and losses period! You make a great call at the end of the game and all one coach remembers is that you screwed him and his team and your rating will show that. Coaches have no idea about most of the rules and they make that clear every week of the season. Why should any official’s postseason fate be determined by people who really don't have an idea about officiating.
The advantage I can see to having Coaches vote would be that it is much harder for a referee to improperly "influence" enough coaches to make it to the tournament. In my state each association has an assignor and one or more evaluators. The Assignor and Evaluators recommend referees to the State. Local "friendship" makes a huge difference in who is promoted to the state and often is unrelated to ability.
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