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Old Thu Aug 26, 2010, 07:27pm
BillyMac BillyMac is offline
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Originally Posted by JRutledge View Post
If I were not for some reason move to an IAABO state or area where being a member was required and I have not previously had membership in IAABO. Would I start at the sub-varsity level automatically or would I have the opportunity to work some varsity as I have over 10 years at that level. Or would I be given some sort of consideration if I was an IAABO member even though that organization does no assigning or has any say in what levels I work?
I not really sure about my answer, but I'll give it a shot. If you're going from one IAABO board to another IAABO board, then I'm sure that some type of communication would take place between the leadership of both boards and you would be assigned pretty close to what you were used to. Worst case scenario, you would be assigned both subvarsity, and varsity, games. If, on the other hand, you were moving from a non-IAABO chapter to an IAABO chapter, then you would probably start at the bottom of the ladder.

Connecticut is a 100% IAABO state, and each local board has their own "IAABO assigner".

I can't speak for, or against, non-IAABO organizations, but I do know that the main emphasis of IAABO is to educate officials. We take that very seriously, on the local level, the state level, and the national, and the international, level. I believe that we are very good at in our goal of educating, and improving, officials. That alone, may be a good reason to join an IAABO board. Assigning games takes a back seat to improving officials in IAABO.
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