Originally Posted by parepat
In the last month, I saw a diagram of a field showing a large logo. The presentation stated that when a large logo is on the field "shadow lines" should be used to identify the yardlines. Not sure where, when I saw this. Now I need to know. Anyone else seen this? Any help will be appreciated.
You probably saw it in rule 1-2-3 Note 2 (it also appeared in the NFHS pre-season powerpoint, I believe):
If the field of play has a logo in the center or at any other part of the field of play,
that logo should not distract from the visibility of the required marks every five
yards. A solid or shadow-bordered 4-inch-wide line is permissible. A shadow line is
a line that designates the required 4-inch width by use of a border or outline lines,
at least ¼-inch wide which shall lie within the 4-inch width. Shadow lines that are the
natural color of the field of play are permissible. The area within these lines need not
be one color, but the continuous 4-inch-wide outline must be clearly visible to the