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Old Thu Aug 26, 2010, 05:47am
Mrumpiresir Mrumpiresir is offline
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Originally Posted by Mrumpiresir View Post
Fact is,
I haven't seen you post one quantifiable fact, just opinion.

those umpires did not perform well and as a result we will all have to live it down.
Live what down? With whom? Who cares? You think in the next game you work a coach is having LLWS flashbacks as he watches you work the game?

There is no way you can defend their performance.
Go back and read my posts. I haven't said anything about their performance on the field...positive or negative. What I have said is to show them some respect and to stop slamming them.

So, all the criticism is due to the lack of basic umpiring abilities exhibited by some of these guys. I think it has been correctly stated that getting a gig like this, even though they are volunteers,

does not excuse their lack of basic mechanics and rules knowledge.
They call ball, strike, fair, foul, safe and out, they cut into the diamond when the ball is hit to the OF. That's basic LL mechanics, there's nothing lacking. You might not like how they do it...but hey you're not a LL ump.
Lack of rules knowledge? Care to be specific?

If you think this is ok
I'm not their tournament UIC. It's his opinion that matters.

.... well that's a sad statement of the expected qualities of those umpires.[/QUOTE]
And just what are those expected qualities? Obviously they're different than LLBB's.
In a regional game, I don't remember the teams, with a runner on first, a ground ball was hit to the infield. The runner was forced at second and the throw to first went out of play. They awarded the batter - runner third base. WHY?? One of the other five umps should have corrected this. On another play, did you see the first base ump emphatically call the runner out as the ball sailed past the fielder? Extremely bad timing. A batter was walked on ball three. Routine calls badly missed. The list goes on. Have you not been watching? We have to live this down because we are all "Brothers in Blue" and what they do reflects on all of us. These are not just opinion.

Last edited by Mrumpiresir; Thu Aug 26, 2010 at 06:04am.
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