Wed Aug 25, 2010, 10:39pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 937
Originally Posted by RichMSN
While I may have perspective, I find the performance of many of the umpires embarrassing.
I think there are enough top-notch umpires out there working LLBB that they could staff the WS with decent umpires
Absolutely there are
-- instead they treat the WS assignment as more of a gold watch for lifelong service to LL rather than any indication of umpiring ability. It's a shame. It's also not going to change.
Agree, and that's the long term problem.
The WS assignment has always been the DC's & WP's gold watch. It's also a bargining chip to be used by the higher ups to get support for ideas and programs in other areas of LLBB which have nothing to do with umpiring.