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Old Tue Aug 17, 2010, 04:37pm
UmpJM UmpJM is offline
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Originally Posted by mbcrowder View Post
Huh? Do you know this Josh guy?
Only from his posts on this board.

Where did that come from?
It came from the misinformation he posted and the personal instruction I have received from...

Jim Evans
Dick Nelson
Fran Burke
David Uyl
Derek Crabill
Dan Bellino
John Gelatt
Brad Purdom
Shaun Francis
Dave Buck
Mike Conlin
Sal Giacomantonio

among others.

Originally Posted by mbcrowder View Post
Nonsense. You track a pitch through the zone. You don't have to see it or follow it after that ... kind of what Josh said.
Nonsense. Where'd that come from? Your innate knowledge of umpiring?

In my experience, most umpires who espouse this type of nonsense actually are "tunnelling" and lose sight of the pitch 5-10' in front of the plate.

And he said he used the slap of the mitt as a timing mechanism. That isn't mine, but what's wrong with doing that?
Because it is an artificial pausing mechanism and has NOTHING to do with proper timing.

Proper timing is simply waiting to allow your senses to gather and deliver ALL the available information to your brain before starting to make a decision on a call.

Finally, be courteous, impartial and firm, and so compel respect from all.
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