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Old Fri Aug 13, 2010, 12:35pm
Multiple Sports Multiple Sports is offline
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Location: 3 hrs east of the western time zone
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1 st post so be nice.

Have heard from a retired well respected D - 1 official on the east coast that we need to consider something along these lines. For example, if a guy is getting his tail kicked by 30 at home we need to be understanding. He might be 4 and 21 in February.
He could be in the last year of his contract and doesn't see eye to eye with his A.D. And don't forget his assistants. One of those guys might be a head coach one day and he might help you get in a league.

Not saying that I agree, but sometimes if we use some people skills it may go a long way with developing a relationship.

Now as far as a hs coach - no way would I take that b.s.

Great no longer a virgin !!!!!!
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