Thread: NCAA SUIP rumor
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Old Tue Aug 10, 2010, 07:23am
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Originally Posted by topper View Post
We all know what comes from listening to coaches.

IF, and that's a big IF, this move was being seriously considered, ASA would have to assume the role of contactor to the NCAA Softball Committee as opposed to running their own organization arbitrarily. The committee has a record of making changes to their game far more often than ASA does. It would be interesting to see how ASA handles this much fluidity. Although it could be argued that the former staff's knee-jerk reactions to the committee's every whim created some of the issues that led to their dismissal.
That is the difference between a democratic (probably not the proper label, but gets the point across) system and a dictatorship.

When it comes to rules, the process doesn't need to be, but can be difficult to navigate since any change can affect multiple games and scenarios whereas the NCAA only has to deal with a single game at a single level in a closed shop.

I would assume the NCAA rules would be handled the same as the modified or 16" or masters/seniors game, as exceptions to some rules with some specific special rules for their game only.

However, I don't see this as a total merger, just one that may allow the ASA to complement the NCAA umpire program, more administrative as opposed to legislative.

BTW, I have heard from a separate source that pretty much confirms what Ronald has indicated as to the level of those who were discussing this issue.
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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