Originally Posted by jwwashburn
How would anyone know the Preceding Runner was not called Out of the Baseline? Did the umpires say so after the game? the pointing and gesticulating of the Plate Umpire made me thing it was Out of the Baseline. Maybe I am wrong about this.
Whether I am right or wrong, Bill Hohn changed a TAG PLAY after a conference? Since when do umpires huddle to discuss a tag? Which Umpire could have had a better view than Bill "Marlins Fan" Hohn? Without Slow-Mo, I do not see how any other umpire could have convinced him that the Preceding Runner was off the base...In real time, I thought the guy was still on the base, with Slow-Mo, I am pretty sure...but not positive that he was off the base.
There is a picture on one of the forums that shows the preceding runner (Maier) is clearly off the base when tagged. It was when he had went past third base though, so I would think the trailing runner should be out for passing, and the preceding runner should be out on the tag. They royally screwed it up if you ask me.