Correct me if I'm wrong....and I'm sure someone will if I'm not reading you right.
Am I right in assuming that the ball carrier was taken down after loss of posession..? I.E.:the ball came out in the process of the HC tackle and the foul was completed after the loss of posession by the runner....?
If the runner is not down yet via tackle by horse the ball comes out and there's a live ball fumble...if he's not taken down to the ground by the HC...there's no foul. The act of the horse collar foul isn't complete until the runner is taken down by the revised to be forward, sideways, or backwards....per the new ruling once the tackler is inside the back or sides of the collar or pads. If the ball comes out prior to the runner being down, there's got to be a foul for something other than the horse collar (PF/unnecessary roughness as the runner is no longer a runner due to loss of posession) or no foul if the runner (or former runner after loss of posession) is not taken to the ground by the act of the HC tackle. We discussed this a while back regarding a HC tackle while crossing the goalline and whether the runner is still a runner because the play is dead once the ball crosses the goal line and whether it's a dead ball PF or still considered an HC..
If someone is hanging on by the inside of the jersey collar or shoulder pads and slips off, or the runner isn't taken down, or finished off by a player (B2)....there should be no foul.
"No Player or Nonplayer Shall: Grab the inside back or side collar of the shoulder pads or jersey of the runner and subsequently pull that opponent to the ground."
I'd like to see some other replies here....