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Old Tue Aug 03, 2010, 12:29pm
MD Longhorn MD Longhorn is offline
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Originally Posted by Snaqwells View Post
You still didn't address my assumption directly. I'll change now, and assume that you weren't participating in chiding the official; at least on that particular play.

I'm a little testy about this subject this summer due to a situation here.

1. U (2 man) makes OOB call on end line opposite table in the 2nd half, ball to the defensive team.
2. R2 (for next game) is walking along the same endline, en route to the table to watch the rest of this game.
3. Coach of offensive team complains about call, ending with "Everyone saw it but you."
4. R steps in and warns coach to cool it.
5. R2, now sitting behind the offensive bench, exclaims "that was a crappy call."
6. R calls T on coach, as the comment came just as he turned away.
7. R retracts T after finding it was the official who made the comment.

While this situation was made worse by the fact that the official was wearing his stripes, in my opinion, the worst thing an official can do is bad mouth another official during a contest; especially when those around him know he's an official, regardless of the sport.
Holy cow. Yeah, that guy would not work in my area or for anyone who knew me ever again. Good grief. It's one thing to say something around "the tree", or here. Completely another around participants. If I'm watching a game, and the official blows a call, and someone who knows I'm an official asks me about it - the very most you'll get out of me is "He's got a LOT better view of that play than we do - there's a reason you don't umpire from the stands"
I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, 'I drank what?'”

West Houston Mike
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