Originally Posted by AtlUmpSteve
I was just told a third hand report (rumor?) that the NCAA has not renewed the contract of Kathy Strahm, and that the other members of the SUIP, Emily Alexander and Ed Crane, have resigned. Speculation is that the nonrenewal was fallout from the illegal pitch issues at the WCWS, and that the other staff members have resigned in support of Kathy.
I don't expect to be on the inside, or with any additional information, just throwing out what I was told.
Anyone here have any further insight or information?
Why does Kathy have to take the hit? She was put into the impossible situation during WCWS and the regular season by the higher ups in the NCAA to assure the enforcement of IPs (the most unpopular call in the game) by NCAA umps. She, Emily, and others did the best they could to carry out this mandate. From the SUIP manual, the clinic CD-rom, SUIP bulletins, and videos posted on the SUIP website, IP's and their enforcement were front and center.
To any of you who have been around the NCAA a long time, what kind of directive (if any) do you think the WCWS crews were given on calling IP's?
So what's next? Who takes Kathy's place? Who fills the void of no Emily Alexander or Ed Crane? What will the NCCA's position on IP's be next season? Do they change the rule? Do they change the penalty?
Crappy deal in IMO. kudos to Emily and Ed for supporting Kathy.