Originally Posted by mbcrowder
Rules basis? A batted ball is a batted ball until it becomes something else. This is not yet a thrown ball.
Except that the MLBUM has said the exact opposite since this sitch is not specifically covered in the OBR book.
No. This is not a thrown ball.
Award second.
Although it doesn't matter as far as the result of THIS sitch goes, the rule used depends on whether the fielder gained possession while still on the field. And other runners or a different position of BR WOULD make this matter.
If he did have possession before leaving field of play, treat as a caught ball - 1 base (for everyone) from the time he gained possession - per MLBUM.
If he did NOT, consider the similar situation of a ball in flight caught by a jumping outfielder who falls completely out of play, never landing in the field of play - 4 base award. In our case, ground rule double.
The difference would matter if, for example, if BR had not reached first at the time the fielder got the ball... 1st base in the first case, 2nd base in the 2nd. It could matter also if R1 was stealing and had reached 3rd at the time the fielder got the ball - home in the first case, 3rd in the 2nd case.
What are referencing in the MLBUM? can't find any basis to support your position at this time.
To quote you "Rules basis?" You say the MLBUM says so but can't give relevant references. Let me know when you have sufficient proof to claim my interp is wrong.