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Old Fri Jul 16, 2010, 11:24am
BretMan BretMan is offline
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Catching a thrown ball doesn't have the same definition and requirements of catching a batted ball for an out. So if the ball happens to be touching the ground at some point while a fielder tries to glove a throw, it doesn't necessarily mean that the fielder won't subsequently demonstrate possession and control.

On these plays, we're not looking for the rule book definition of "a catch", but rather the definition of "a tag". A tag requires that the fielder be holding the ball "securely and firmly in the hand or glove" (to paraphrase the ASA rule).

#1) If the fielder subsequently raises the ball from the ground without having to readjust her grip or bobbling the ball, then the ball was "securely and firmly held".

#2) The ball needs to be in the hand or glove, not the crook of the elbow or pressed against the body by the forearm.

#3) If pressing the glove against the body is what's keeping the ball there, the fielder would still need to demonstrate control by bringing the glove away from the body while holding the ball in the glove (similar to the ball touching the ground in #1).

#4) Same as #1.

Dakota raises a point about the fielder raising the ball up off the ground prior to the batter-runner reaching first base. This is a little bit different than my understanding. For instance, if the fielder had her bare hand wrapped around the ball, hand on top, bottom of the ball touching the ground, then the B/R touched first, then the fielder raised the ball without adjusting or losing her grip and held it secrely, would that not be an out?

I would liken that to a fielder holding the ball in her bare hand and diving toward the base to touch the top of the base with the bottom of the ball. So long as the fielder doesn't lose the secure, firm possession it's still an out.
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