Thread: NCAA question
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Old Thu Jul 01, 2010, 04:47pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by 7IronRef View Post
I am new to the site and new to college officiating.

Looking for input on the following situation, it is a casebook play (A.R.77)

Bonus is in effect; and while the ball is in flight during a try for goal, A1 charges into B1, which is Team A's 7th foul in the half. Then, there is BI by

1) B2 or ...

I am only interested in part 1) of the ruling

It seems to me that since the foul on A1 occurs after the ball has been released this is no longer a PC foul. The BI by B2 results in 2 points for A. Now, here is where I am unclear: The ruling states that B1 is going to shoot 1 and 1. Is the foul by A1 a team control foul? Or is B1 shooting FT's because there is no team control on the shot, even though A1 is an airborne shooter?

It is my understanding that we wouldn't shoot FT's on rebounding, so how is it that FT's are shot?
Is the foul by A1 a team control foul? No. Team control ends on the release of the try.

Or is B1 shooting FT's because there is no team control on the shot, even though A1 is an airborne shooter? Correct. The NCAA Men's side does not consider an airborne shooter to be in player control. The rule is different from NFHS and the NCAA Women's side.

It is my understanding that we wouldn't shoot FT's on rebounding, so how is it that FT's are shot? You are incorrect about not shooting on rebounding. FTs would be awarded for a foul during a rebound as there is no team control. Recall that team control ended with the try for goal and it has not been reestablished yet during the rebounding action.
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