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Old Mon Jun 21, 2010, 11:23pm
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Join Date: Sep 2000
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Originally Posted by Skahtboi View Post
Yuengling is an acceptable lager. I have never had the Blonde Ale from Orlando Brewing.

Now, judging from your beer tastes, let's challenge them just a bit. If you like a good lager, look for Sierra Nevada's SummerFest at your local purveyor of beers. There should still be some left on shelves, though its time for distribution should be just about done. Anyway, this is a very good lager, and it is widely distributed.
As a general rule, SN has a big bite at the end. Sometimes that is good, sometimes not so.

Another widely distributed lager that is good is Longboard Lager from Kona Brewing. Other good examples of lagers include Birra Peroni and Birra Moretti from Italy, both very crisp and clean examples of the style.
Eeehhh., okay, but NBD.

If you like wheat beers, such as Blue Moon, then I would suggest branching out there, as well. Kona's Wailua Wheat is very good. Shiner's Hefeweizen appeals to many people, though it is only a mild example of the style. (Maybe the mildness is the reason for the broad appeal. Also, while I am not a big fan of Shiner's brews, I have found they make a good stepping stone to real beer.) Pyramid Brewing makes a Hefe that is far closer to the true style, and it is also fairly widely distributed.
Have yet to find a wheat of "hefe" worth the cost of the plastic Dixie cup it may come in,

Blonde Ales tend to be takes on English Style Pale Ales. Sadly, the grand daddy of this style, Whitbread's, is no longer being brewed. Red Hook
(an AB product)
makes a good Blonde Ale. Here is a pretty extensive list of them. Bass, Smuttynose, Old Speckled Hen, Sam Smith's, and 1066 tend to be available in many parts of the US. If you decide to play around with some of these, and can find Red Hook products in your area, give Red Hook's ESB a try. If you like that one, then look for Fuller's ESB. Now, THAT is a real taste treat.
You need to move around more. How can you compare Bass and Sam Smith with Smuttynose and OSH? Not even in the same farmyard let alone barn.[/quote]

If you really like your lagers, then why not give some pilsners a try. The best of these, IMO, is Victory Brewing's Prima Pils. Wow! Easier to find, though, in most parts of the country, are the two Czech brews, Pilsner Urquell and Czechvar. Both very good.
Victory, out of Downingtown, PA. Not bad, but I wouldn't go out of my way for it.

Had two real good brews last night, Brazilian. Xingu (black beer) and Prima Louca (pilsner). Both were worth the try.
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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