Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee
We've discussed that exact same play here several times and the consensus has always been that one technical foul only should be applied. The concept used is that you don't penalize somebody twice for the same act; you penalize the end result only. A similar play is a defender reaching across an oob line and hitting the ball while the thrower is holding it. Even though the defender's team may already have been issued a team warning for delay, you do not issue a "T" for breaking the plane again and a second "T" for hitting the ball. You penalize the end result only. See case book play 10.3.10SitD for the rationale used by the NFHS.
The penalty applies to the one unfair act, which happened to involve two players collaborating. I think the rule singles out this specific act for explicit treatment precisely in order to prevent the calling of 2 T's, which we might think to do since it involves 2 players.