Originally Posted by Mark T. DeNucci, Sr.
Did F1 touch HP in response to her coach's instructions or in an attempt to tag R1? If F1 touched HP in response to her coach's instructions, then the defensive appeal has been successful.
MTD, Sr.
Well, who knows what goes on in the head of a 12-year old. The coach yelled at her to tag the runner. On her way to do that, she stepped on HP.
If in that scenario, the runner somehow made it back to HP and touched before being tagged [tag w/ glove, ball in hand], how could you sell it to the D-coach who saw his catcher standing on HP?
I'd consider this a live ball appeal. This opposed to a dead ball appeal on a runner missing a base or leaving early on a fly ball. That appeal would have to come from an infielder [and NOT the coach].