Originally posted by JugglingReferee As a matter of interest, Canadian amateur rules would dictate:
We have fouls by both teams: B UR - facemask (7.3.5), A RP (7.2.2). This is a dual foul (8.6.1), only if both teams accept the penalties (8.6.2a). Let's assume that this happends; then: the POA is at the PLS, or the end of the run, at A's option (8.6.3).
It likely wouldn't be at the "end of the run", because that would be a safety - ball fumbled from the endzone out into the field of play and then out of bounds, without touching. A has to accept the penalty to avoid the safety, and they have to accept it either (a) at the goal line or (b) at the line of scrimmage. (Canadian ruling)
distance back to the goal line for the A RP. 11 + 15 = 26, then to the 13. 1st and 10 for A.
The only issue here is interpretive, and I doubt it a difficult one. Is the punch/swear word a UR/Objectionable, a Rough Play/Objectionable, or a Rough Play alone.
I'd adjudicate it a Rough Play alone, *UNLESS* the "bad word" was a racial or religious slur, in which case, I get out the objectionable - or worse.
A) A1's actions are considered Rough Play alone:
Ball goes from the three to the 18 (3+15) for the B UR, then half the distance for the RP = at the nine yard line, third down repeated.
C) As above - same result, as the RP is only half the distance to the goal.
B) A1's actions are considered to be UR + Objectionable
Ball goes from the three to the 18 for the B UR, then half the distance for the 15-yard (nine yard line) then half the distance for the additive Objectionable (which in Canadian is just ten yards, btw), ergo, third down on the 4.5 yard line.
Clear as mud? Welcome to Canadian ball.