Originally Posted by mbcrowder
A) How does this differ from what he said (i.e. what was the point of this rebuttal)? He said 11 hours, you show 11 hours. Same.
B) This is not 8 games on Saturday and 8 games on Sunday.
It's not necessarily a rebuttal. He said he was a suspended disbeliever. So, I gave him my schedule. We had three gyms going that day. 2 friends worked the same schedule on one of the other two courts. In years past, we've traveled out of town to MAYBs where we've done between 20-25 games each from Friday afternoon through Sunday afternoon. Opportunities to do 2 on 1 off are plentious. No big deal. Lots of fun. Good chance to stay in shape. Earn some bucks.
Yea, I worked 15 instead of 16 last weekend...shoot me.