Thu Jun 03, 2010, 01:36pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Oct 2008
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Posts: 697
Originally Posted by rsl
By my math, 2 on 1 off format leads to an 11 hour day. I cannot even sit at my desk and work for 11 hours straight without a loss of mental concentration.
Add me to the list of those with at least suspended disbelief.
read the thread....here's what i posted earlier:
Originally Posted by DLH17
20 min halves...running clock, except last 2 mins of each half. clock runs when lead hits 15 pts. standard mayb stuff. 3 gyms in separate bldgs on the same campus were used.
saturday sched: 10a/11a on, 12p off, 1p/2p on, 3p off, 4p/5p on, 6 off, 7p/8p on
sunday sched: 10a/11a on, 12p off, 1p/2p on, 3p off, 4p/5p/6p on