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Old Thu Jun 03, 2010, 01:34pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
Do not give a damn!!
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Originally Posted by DLH17 View Post
You're making stuff up again. Never said I was doing anything perfectly. In fact, I said I'm always trying to get better, which clearly implies I know I'm not perfect.
When your criticism of other officials is that they do not switch during dead balls and do things like bump and run during summer ball that sounds like you are saying are perfect to me. It might be some hyperbole on your part, but you suggested that you hustled and everyone else was not giving their best effort because they were not doing these very specific things you suggested they should. Then you have had people that suggested while working multiple games that was somewhat unrealistic. Then you snapped back at everyone and said you did not slow down a bit. If that is not implying you are perfect I do not know what is. Even during a real game I would expect some lapses in those things you claim you do all the time. For one I know that I might not bump and run because my partners and I make a mistake as to where we are to go. It is not always an issue of hustle.

Originally Posted by DLH17 View Post
Again, I've never claimed to be perfect...only strive to do the best job I can. Mistakes are inevitable.

And, I'd love to have you evaluate me and give needed criticism. Constructive criticism is always welcome.
In my circles you would be the "yeah but" guy. The guy that we would tell you something and you would insist there was a reason for your mistake.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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