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Old Thu Jun 03, 2010, 01:09pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
Do not give a damn!!
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Originally Posted by DLH17 View Post
You are the mouthpiece for a bunch of people from many different jurisdictions on an anonymous internet forum, huh? Talk about BS. Take the chip off your shoulder.
Maybe you do not realize this, but many of us know each other by our real names. I know many officials here by their real names. I have also attended camps with many of the participants and in some rare cases we work for the same people in college conferences. As well as some even live in the area that I do and we belong to the same local associations.

And there is a big difference. No one has said I was wrong about this claim. Just about everyone said you were wrong about your claim.

And if anyone has a chip on your shoulder it is you. You are the one defending your crap again and again and again while multiple people seem to find holes in your claims. Stop trying to change the subject, there is no way that you work multiple games in a day and perfectly use every mechanic during live or dead ball periods. As a clinician for my state, I know officials cannot do that in a camp setting. I doubt you are perfect as you say you are. I would just love to watch one of your games and see all the things you claim you do not be there. Heck the college camp I attended this past weekend the clinicians did not expect that.

Originally Posted by DLH17 View Post
And, I will say again - I don't consider myself to "do all these things so well". But, I do listen, learn and hustle.

Finally, where did I say I officiated "multiple games in a row"?
Something tells me you do not. As you have constantly tried to defend your position which many have seen many holes in what you have said. Oh well, keep doing what you are doing.

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Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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