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Old Thu Jun 03, 2010, 10:44am
DLH17 DLH17 is offline
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Originally Posted by mbcrowder View Post
Really... after 5 pages of people calling you out, THIS is your defense for the lie? You sound like a buddy of mine who will wordsmith to death just to win an argument for the purposes of winning the argument... instead of actually making a point.

Are you really trying to tell me now, backtracking desperately, that you managed to work 16 games in a weekend without working "consecutive" or "multiple games in a row"? Really?

Come on. Jim Joyce made the biggest blunder in 25 years, and immediately owned his mistake. Stop wordsmithing, and admit that you at the VERY LEAST misled everyone. You asserted that you could work 16 games in 2 days "without slowing down". (You should certainly be able to see why one would assume that at least some of these were either consecutive or multiple games in a row (depending on who you are arguing with). This is why you're getting blasted, and are losing credibility in a fast ugly spiral.
so, in summary: you are calling me an "idiot" and a "liar"?


you put words into my mouth, then call me the liar

i asked you to back up what you claim i said. you can't do it.

i was very clear about those games. they were done in a 2 on 1 off format over two days. 3 one hour breaks both days between 2 game sets.

read the entire thread before calling me a liar
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