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Old Thu Jun 03, 2010, 08:44am
David B David B is offline
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But that does no good, it still ruins a perfect game, simply gives him a no-hitter.

i thought it interesting this morning Don Denkinger (sp?) was interviewed on Mike and Mike and he was in favor of "instant replay" in certain situations.

We all know that it won't work in many situations because of the nature of baseball, but on a play such as this one with no other runners on base it could be used. At least that was his take.

One other comment interesting this morning watching ESPN, the runner who was ruled safe said, "given the situation, I was expecting to be called out."

Wow that is revealing to me that the players know there is such thing as the "expected call" in certain situations.
I give him credit for being honest.


Last edited by David B; Thu Jun 03, 2010 at 08:47am. Reason: spelling