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Old Thu Jun 03, 2010, 01:55am
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
Do not give a damn!!
Join Date: Jun 2000
Location: On the border
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Originally Posted by DLH17 View Post
I apologize for not being more specific. Nonetheless, what I listed are things that bothered me during her games. Add them all up and you can see why I feel strongly about it. If you can't put down your hatchet long enough to realize I'm not your internet nemesis, I suggest you consider moving on to other reading/posting that doesn't support high blood pressure.

It's amazing how quickly you get turned sideways when I post.
The funny part about this conversation is the entire time you have tried to make this personal. This is not personal. This is just a conversation based on what you said. And the more you have been called on your BS, the more you try to run from your original comments. I have a lot more going for me than what we are talking about here. If you really think my blood pressure is going up over this conversation, maybe you have more to learn about officiating than I thought. And that is really obvious this week as I have several officiating things going on that I have to participate in.

Originally Posted by DLH17 View Post
I enjoy meeting new people/renewing old acquaintances when officiating. Other officials, players, coaches. I enjoy what I do within reason. Summer is a great time to be a little more relaxed - wear shorts, talk before after games when another game is getting ready to start - yet still work on mechanics, management and people skills. Sounds like you have it all down and don't give a crap about much else. I'm happy for you. I doubt I'll ever lose my pure love of the game and all the stuff that goes with it. You can paint that - and probably will - in some unflattering way towards me, and that's fine. I'll keep having fun and improving and you can keep on "not giving a damn".
Here you go again. I did not say anything about meeting people and working or not working on mechanics. Actually for me summer ball is used for one reason and one reason only. See more plays. By this time of the year my schedule for the coming season is pretty much set. I do not need summer ball to establish this outside of camps. And certainly not during AAU games. And coaches have no say in if I get hired or not hired in any high school or college league. So that is why I do not give a damn about what they think or do not think of my game. For the record I have had run-ins with coaches only to see them during the regular season and see them realize that what they think of me obviously does not matter. So I do not need their approval of any kind to work games when it counts. Apparently you do need that approval and that is why you take this all to a personal level that I was only commenting on your words about hustle, not our personal stances in officiating.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)

Last edited by JRutledge; Thu Jun 03, 2010 at 01:58am.
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