Thread: no timeouts
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Old Sun Jan 12, 2003, 10:57am
tim harris tim harris is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Mar 2000
Posts: 12
a=offense b=defense

hello all,
im a rule interpeter here in virginia and i just wanna thank you guys and gals for all your help!

here is my question: one of my basketball officials called and asked me about a situation that happened in his game last night.

game tied "A" has ball "A" has just called there last
timeout with 9sec. left. mr g the gentlemen that called me said his partner went over and informed the team that they have no more timeouts. the game is tied at this point. after timeout mr g gives the ball to "A" for the throw in when a player from team "A" throws his hand up for a timeout. mr g said no more t.o. for you guys and immediately partner comes in and gives a "T" for the team calling a T.O. immediately mr g knew the game situation here and he talked too his partner, lets ignore his timeout and put the ball in play, because we both no they dont have any timeouts left. so why give it and if we call this "T", this is no way for a team too loose a game. the game went into triple overtime. and of course i got a call from the athletic director and he said my guys did and excellent job.

this is my question.

how would you guys have handled this situation?
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