Your post is below in quotes. I agree that the black should be treated as part of the plate if it is showing (for that matter, I think the plate should be larger for SP -- after all, bats are 34" long and the ball is coming in at about 8 mph).
My only question is why is this interpretation not in the ASA (1) rule book (rules or POE), (2) umpire's manual, or (3) case book? Many umpires are not able to attend clinics, at least those taught by people in the know. If that is the way ASA wants the black treated, then it should be disseminated in writing to all ASA umpires. After all, we are talking about home plate and every pitch delivered and some plays at the plate. Unless I am mistaken, the only people who have this in writing (other than those who read this web site) are people who teach clinics and have the clinc guide. Just my $0.02.
[Mikes post: "For the purpose of all ASA rules, the black is to be considered part of the plate. If your clinicians are not teaching that, they are not using ASA's Clinic Guide or attending the right clinics.
From the 2002 guide:
Discuss the black safety rim (Emphasize that it is not part of the 17-inch width of the plate.)
1. If a pitch crosses over the black part, it is assumed the pitch also crossed over the white part.
2. If the catcher is touching the black part of the plate on a force out, it is considered to be also touching the white part.
3. If a runner touches the black part, it is considered they also touched the white part.
4. (Slow Pitch) If the ball touches the black part, it is considered that some part has also touched the white part.
Can't get any more specific than that."]