I consider the source. He was accused of betting on games by giving information to betters to help decide point spreads. He was never accused of fixing games or claiming to fix games.
As far as I know, he hasn't lied about anything in this matter. He wasn't charged with lying to the feds, which is almost ALWAYS part of any federal prosecution (usually thrown in there in case they can't prove what they are really after and why you should NEVER, EVER speak to a federal LEO without an attorney, but I digress). Yes, he's proven he can take a good thing and piss it away, but I'm not sure we can automatically say that because he's a felon, he isn't telling the truth here.
My question is, what incentive does he have to make these remarks if not true? Getting back at the NBA? Perhaps, but if these things are not true, that will be exposed and he won't get his desired effect of improving his reputation.
By all means, treat what he says with skepticism, but I wouldn't outright ignore it.