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Old Sat May 22, 2010, 08:33pm
ozzy6900 ozzy6900 is offline
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Originally Posted by ManInBlue View Post
I'd appreciate some respect for the boys. You may not give a damn because it didn't happen in New England. If one team was in your back yard and the other wasn't far down the road, you might change your tune.

I was posting a contraversy that happened this week in HS baseball - if you don't care - don't reply. It's a rather big deal here. I left out names so as not to make it personally about {insert coach's name} (anyone in MS can figure it out) and call him an idiot world wide (even if it's true).
  • First of all, I will respond to any post I like.
  • Second of all, you are correct, I do not care about the kids. I am an umpire - I don't care about the players other than to officiate. I do not get emotionally involved with the games.
  • Third of all, if you want sympathy, look in the dictionary. You will find the word located between $hit and syphilis.
  • Finally, this is an umpire site, not a "touchy-feely I want to be your good buddy palsy-walsy" site. So stick that in your pipe and smoke it!
When in doubt, bang 'em out!
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