Originally Posted by Mark Padgett
Hey - watch those travels, guys. Hey - watch those stepping out of bounds, guys. Hey - watch those punches in the mouth, guys. 
OMG, you must have been at the AAU Tournament I was at last weekend!?!?! Were you the other guy wearing a black and white stripped shirt

I was just commenting on the specific play as givien.
I will admit that I have been know from time to time to verbally warn a player in the post that it might be in their best interest to vacate the premises. Usually if a player is just ball watching or just hanging out, I will try to snap the player out of their daze. I just say "Lane" and that usually works. If that oratory gem doesn't do the trick, I make a high schrieking sound with a little plastic object I sometimes use. That often does the trick as well!!!
As an adendum, so SOME people don't jump to a negative conclusion, I am NOT a big fan of doing that when it comes to fouls. That is just to slippery a slope IMO.