Ronald is dead on about enforcing the height of the pitch. Keep the arc down, don't let them get away with anything high, and err on the side of caution. If you have to call three in a row, then do so and let the pitcher whine. The alternative is chaos. Enforce the arc from the beginning and you won't have to deal with pitches that fall eight inches behind the plate and are still over the back shoulder.
The pitchers may not like you, but the hitters will, and there are a lot more of the latter. Last year, in a high-level tournament, we must have called 60 high pitches on one pitcher who simply would not adjust to what every other pitcher was doing. Of course, he acted as if we were robbing him, but there's no alternative. Before the championship game, I told both managers, "Anything up there is going to be illegal." Both guys immediately said, "No problem," and indeed we had no problem.
More whiskey—and fresh horses for my men!
Roll Tide!