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Old Wed May 19, 2010, 07:25am
charliej47 charliej47 is offline
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Originally Posted by SamG View Post
But why? Why should that be in the rules? If the official who didn't make the call thinks they have "material information", why couldn't there be a "meeting of the minds"?

A follow up situation... have your partners ever gotten a call "wrong" (not intentionally) but since a coach didn't question the call (or do so properly) your extra information wasn't added?
YOU have NOT been "LISTENING"! Everyone makes a bad or wrong call BUT they make the call!

If YOU,not your partners, but YOU think YOU need more infor for whatever reason, such as a coach asking you to get help or because you think there might have been a pulled foot, then YOU go for help.

There has been times when I had a different "look" at my partner's call and from where I was it looked like he was wrong, but HE did not come to me so we went with his call.

Anytime there is judgment, there will be different points of view, BUT the only one that counts is the one by the calling official.
Charles Johnson Jr
NFHS Class #1 softball/baseball
Dayton, Ohio

I have been umpiring so long that it was called Rounders when I started.
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