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Old Wed May 19, 2010, 06:52am
Dutch Alex Dutch Alex is offline
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Location: Almere (NL)
Posts: 370
Originally Posted by SamG View Post
But why? Why should that be in the rules? If the official who didn't make the call thinks they have "material information", why couldn't there be a "meeting of the minds"?
Because then it looks like overruling. Besides that making call's ain't a thing of getting together with tea and coffee and then deside what the call should be.
Keep the speed into the game, do slow it down just for getting together and make a call. The umpire responsible makes the call, if he needs help; he's gotta go for it

Originally Posted by SamG View Post
A follow up situation... have your partners ever gotten a call "wrong" (not intentionally) but since a coach didn't question the call (or do so properly) your extra information wasn't added?
Yes, I've been in that situation. After the game in our dressingroom we discussed what happened and what I saw. What the call with that extra info should have been and how it could have effected the game. No hard feelings between me and my partner. This happens and we have to deal with it.
If a runner misses a base, I saw it, DC ain't appealing then we don't have an out!

Ik ben niet gek, doe alleen alsof! Gaat me goed af toch?
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