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Old Tue May 18, 2010, 07:30pm
MrRabbit MrRabbit is offline
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Posts: 123
However, I still called all of them out for leaving the base early.

Am I mistaken in my thinking? As always, I appreciate any thoughts or comments.[/QUOTE]

You either left early or you did not... Call it.

Several year back my partner and I had just finished our game and stopped to watch the end of a another 16A game between two teams that would likely be in the championship game and walk back with our fellow umpires.

Bases loaded, bottom of the 7, tied game, 2 outs, 2 strikes on the batter.
Pitcher leaps, not a small leap, a good 6 inches plus, base umpire calls it and walk the winning run in, game over. Even to my partner and I it was a no brainier call, and totally correct. Even PU saw it and agreed.

Coach goes off, you know the words, you idiot umpire you cost us the game, how can you make that call, bah, bah, bah.

The bad part of this call is that the UIC chewed the game umpires up and said that call should not have made at that time in the game and situation.

Both of these umpires were top notch.

The pitcher was trying to gaining an advantage and get that 3rd strike and send it in to extra innings, DMP.
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