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Old Tue May 18, 2010, 07:49am
SamG SamG is offline
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Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA View Post
Never before. If I am that blocked that I cannot make a call based on what I could not see, I "give up" the call to my partner. That is not that same as going for help. Once I give up the call, I have no input in the decision making process. As an umpire, you try to recognize the possibility of being blocked-out and adjust, but sometimes you just cannot predict the movement of the fielders in time to make the appropriate adjustments.
I know I'm throwing a lot of hypotheticals in, and I apologize. I'm just trying to picture this all. Say you're blocked from a call. If I understand you correctly, you don't make a call at all, but let your partner make the call. What if they were focused somewhere else?

I hope I'm not making anyone upset. I'm just trying to educate myself more in the sport.
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