my .02
I think we all have done this or will do this within the scope of any officiating career...
I have moved up, down and sideways as the demands on my life, family and career have changed......
I moved up and out of youth ball.....then out of umpiring totally when the kids came.......then back in at the youth level, then up to HS and Legion and MSBL, semi pro and some limited D3....
I am now mostly HS/COLT/Legion.....and with my career now, often times in the HS arena I am limited to the saturday JV games since it is hard for me to get off regualrly at 3:00PM for day games......(Old Boss/old ob, was much more accomodating to me in umpiriring than the new one.....)
As I get older I can see me moving down a notch or two to accomdate lifes changes......
There is a place in umpiring for all umpires......knowing when, and what level to move to is the key......