Originally Posted by UmpTTS43
Looks like the crew blew it. Yes, the crew, including you. At the very least, you should have gotten together to see if a rule was misapplied.
Are you suggesting the PU strolls out to have a word with the umpire who made the call? Really?
Nope, the BU owns this call. Unless requested by the BU for an opinion, the PU stays far away from this one. The manager should have asked the BU if he could get help, but that's as far as this needs to go. MO, you should have just told the manager that it wasn't your call, and left it at that. Plus, you were talking to a AS, which don't exist in situations like this. "Not my call, Chief". If you say you didn't see it, you paint yourself into a corner if you partner decides he DOES want your help.
As for a post game dress down, sometimes it's just better to walk away, as opposed to try to teach Smitty a thing or two. Sometimes, it's just not worth the effort. Been there.