Originally Posted by Zepp
(ASA Rule Set)
Rule 8-3-C states: "When a runner dislodges a base from its proper position, that runner and trailing runner(s) in the same series of plays are not compelled to follow a base out of position."
The wording indicates that a trailing runner would be safe if they were standing in the vicinity of where the base originally was positioned, and were subsequently tagged.
My question is: Would the trail runner still be safe if they are standing on the dislodged base which was 8 feet behind second base, and are tagged?
Wasn't sure if the "not compelled" component of the rule covered both the area around the base (sans the base) AND the current position of the dislodged base.
If the base is dislodged, it becomes a judgment call by the umpire as to whether or not a tagged runner is standing where they should be. I've always viewed it as giving the runner the option of choosing either the correct location of the base or the location of the dislodged base. They are not compelled to follow the dislodged base, but they still have that option and should not be faulted if they do go to the dislodged base.
I haven't decided if I should call it from the dugout or the outfield. Apparently, both have really great views!
Screw green, it ain't easy being blue!
I won't be coming here that much anymore. I might check in now and again.